When Terry created Feel Good Dough, clean eating was at the top of the list of attributes for the dough. Other organic wheat products still contained some degree of processed ingredients and none of them used organic yeast. Clean eating organic is important because it is a step above regular organic products, ensuring that the product is made entirely with organic ingredients (even the small usually expensive ingredients like yeast) and are not packed with extra filler ingredients that may not be great for the body.
On top of being 100% clean, Feel Good Dough also features high-quality nutrition per serving. Each serving of our dough is packed with 5-7g of protein, plenty of plant-based fiber, and nutritious organic yeast. These ingredients are not found on the consumer market for the home baker so the options to have breads and pizzas with this much nutrition used to be very limited. We hope to continue to open up the options to have nutritious dough in every home and the support we have gotten from people looking for dough just like ours has been tremendous.